Sunday, May 9, 2021

Birthday Bavarians

While pondering who to build as an in-house opponent for my Napoleonic games, I decided that I really wanted Bavarians. 

I've been enamored by the ruppenhelm wearing Bavarians ever since I was a kid and first saw those gloriously crested helmets in period paintings in the books I was reading. I tried making them out of the Esci helmeted Austrians and Airfix RHA sets! Which didn't really work, but I was a kid.

Of course, an army from the Perry's or Front Rank would be expensive. Then I remembered that Hät made some in plastic in 28mm. 

Hät don't have a webstore, but you can email them for a quote and they will mail direct. Within a week of my Paypal transfer a small, very light box was in my mailbox. 

I was okay with getting them without the boxes, which saved on parcel size and shaved a bit off of postage and packaging I think. It also left them room to chuck in some freebies. I'm thinking a simple head swap will gain me a mounted officer.
Some freebies too 

Command frame 

Two sets of infantry marching, one of command, and one of 'action poses' should get me 10x 8 figure groups of formed infantry and 5x or 6x 6 figure skirmish groups. 

Comparison with Warlord Russians in grey

Action pose and marching frames 

Even with postage, they still came to less than Cdn$1/figure. Their more realistic, slighter build makes them look smaller than the metal or plastics from Warlord, but that'll be fine kept in their own units

Guns and some cavalry are on order from the Perry's however, along with a few more bits for the Prussians and Russians. This project has certainly suffered from "Mission Creep."

If Scott comes over with his corps of French we can play post-Leipzig and I can put all three forces against him. I'd need to, really. And dig entrenchments. He has a pretty huge army.


  1. Those will look a treat when they're painted up.

  2. Great idea! I shall have to look at HaT !

  3. Bavarian uniforms are splendid. I look forward to seeing your progress with these fellows ...

  4. Replies
    1. Its hard. Same as a model kit. Not the soft bendy plastic of 1/72 scale soldiers
