Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Bavarian General Wrede

For a such small batch, this latest group off the painting desk has taken a while! It's only been about 9 days, but it's seemed longer.

So the Bavarians now have a proper senior command stand of General Wrede and an ADC. Both Front Rank figures and lovely to paint. All that silver braid was astoundingly easy to pick out. To further decorate the base please note the Russian musketeer shako, a spare from Warlord.

the Aide is obviously looking around for the tea trolley

or perhaps drinks?  

I also did a group of 6 Hät light company troops. Either a group in Sharp Practice or I will use them to add light company stands to battalions in General d'Armee


  1. Liking the character in the sculpting on the command stand. You've picked out the details very well - 9 days painting paid Off I'd say.

  2. Lovely figures fitting portraying a general.
