Saturday, December 24, 2022

Austrians for a White Christmas

As much of the American Midwest, Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes are buried under a pre-Christmas blizzard, I have a second batch of Austrians done! These figures are Perry plastics and I did them with the lavender facings of either IR36 Kolowrat or IR 57 Graf Josef Colloredo.

This time I said "F*k it, and just used my standard dark, runny burnt umber undercoat and dry brushed over that, then went back and highlighted the belts at the end. I thought it worked pretty great. 

Very easy too. People are all "Ack! All that white!" Honestly, it's super easy. Trousers, coat and belts all done in one fell swoop. Then it's just flesh, equipment and facings.

While we're taking about white, here's Mrs. Rabbitman's favourite performer singing a seasonally appropriate song:

Merry Christmas everyone.


  1. Nice Austrians! Your home made wash works great. And that is a great version of that song.

  2. The Season's greetings to you and yours , Tony

  3. Lovely stuff, nicely done. And Merry Christmas!

  4. I do like the Austrians they are splendid!
    Alan Tradgardland

  5. My own Austrians are the 57th Graf Josef Colloredo Regiment, but mine are wearing the later shako rather than the helmet. The plastic Perry box is an excellent way of getting troops on the table.

    1. My friend has a whole army in the later shakos, and after reading John Gill's books I just knew I had to build them in the 1809 helmets to face my Bavarians.
      The Perry kit is pretty great isn't it?
