Sunday, February 26, 2023

Space Rocks! Have Glue Gun Will Travel

This past Family Day holiday, armed with a hot glue gun and craft knife, I decided to start knocking together some rocky terrain for Xenos Rampant.

This is how a lot of my terrain projects happen. An idea rattles around in my head for a while, months or years even, and then one day I just clear some space and say "Let's do it!" and I start hacking and gluing with little preplanning or measuring.

While I was at it I got some off cuts of foam and made a rocky hill.

Not sure WTF I'm doing

Sand on bases

Next weekend was mild ( -2 degrees in the afternoon), so I took everything outside to get a heavy spray of dark grey and then a light spray of light grey.

Quiet Sunday morning photo shoot to see how they look with figures.

Very pleased with the results. To make the entire playing area (4.5' x 5') rocky I'll need to bang up around 12 more pieces.


  1. Excellent stuff- very moon rock-like.

  2. Considering you admitted to not knowing what you were doing James, these are pretty darn good! I need similar for my northern Greece terrain so I have bookmarked this post for reference.

    1. For northern Greece maybe just change the colors?

  3. You could easily also use them in The Old West for a raid on a gold mine.

    1. Or Middle Earth! Spoil heaps around a Dwarf or Goblin mine head

  4. Quick & Dirty & the result...Perfect! May have to try some of these myself!
