Friday, April 14, 2023

Hobbit Hunting Party

Adding leaders to units has resulted in a grab bag of 5 random leftover hobbits; 1 archer, 2 rock throwers,  1 with spear, and 1 of the original Halfling Adventurers. 

I hate left over figures

So 1 figure short of a skirmish group. 

I had thought about adding in an Airfix figure once I got around to painting them. But then that would leave the Airfix units short of an archer. 

Then late one night, just before bed, I had a lightening idea. A dog!

A few years back I had bought a pack of wolves for my orcs, but they were realistically sized, and not big scary wargs. So I painted them as dogs.

With their faithful herd dog, these hobbits really seem to me to be a farmer, his sons and a couple of hired hands out hunting goblins that have been raiding the barns and lifting sheep.


  1. The dog is an excellent addition- great idea.

  2. Brilliant idea! Another way to do it would have been to put a particularly large bush on the stand and claim that the 6th figure is concealed in it ;)
