Sunday, March 3, 2024

Diceless Death in the Golden Triangle

Pasha Dan brought his ongoing fascination with the convoluted problems in SE Asia to the Basement o'Rabbits last night. And the stars aligned to result in 7 of us around the table for a change.

Last night was insurgents/bandits/drug lords/local militias versus government troops/drug lords in northern Myanmar.

We were using One Hour Skirmish rules, which is completely diceless. Each player has a deck of ordinary playing cards for activation, shooting and defense.

Ethnic Chinese militia are attacking government forces around the city of Lukau, notorious for catering to the decadent appetites of Chinese businessmen and party officials.

A government convoy is trying to get to the patrol base with drug making supplies. 

Some local bandits/caravan guards are helping the Chinese long enough to get back their confiscated truck full of stuff (probably more drugs).

Patrol base held by Big Pat

Busy highway traffic 

My force of ethnic Chinese militia attacking the patrol base

Government troops in the base

Nice Solido die-cast Panhard AML 90

The world's unluckiest RPG guy

Big Dave's and Weirdy Beardy's convoy of gov't troops and drugs

Twice shooting RPG at juicy truck target

Twice frustrated by Jokers!

I finally get a decent Activation Points draw and no Joker to allow me to get advancing.

Interrupting local traffic

Government troops bugging out through a hail of lead

These guys all died. Sadly no dramatic crashes. 

Interesting mechanics. Don't like the antitank rules though. I get making things hard to hit. But when I do hit with an RPG? Slow incremental damage doesn't make sense to me. I suppose a big card draw on the attack vs a low card draw on the defense  would be a brew up? But even soft skinned vehicles seemed to have too many positive modifiers. But that's me. Your mileage may vary.

Pasha Dan wants to use these rules for this year's perpetually popular pulp adventure Mongols With Mausers games at Hotlead. They should work fine for that.


  1. The terrain and minis look great.

  2. I'd watch Pasha Dan very carefully as he habitually invites unsavory characters (such as myself) into his Mongols with Mausers scenarios annually ... and we all cheat ruthlessly ...
