Monday, February 24, 2025

First Squad of Toulmorese

Yawdryl B'ndyt sat his squad in the shade of a pink bungadoo tree. Clicks and croaks from jungle creatures came from the undergrowth. T'ym and Taym, two of his Ryshi gunners, were nosing around in the bushes looking for something to eat.

"Oi! Listen up you mob" B'ndyt growled. "An' put that down T'ym, yaz ain't know where it's bin." Shame faced, T'ym reluctantly dropped a bright red beetle he had been about to eat.

"Medic said the red ones give yaz the scoots,  anyway ya daft nob!" Taym chided him.

Satisfied that he had everyone's attention, B'ndyt spread out a map. Droplets of sweat falling off the end of his snout hit the waxed, waterproof sheet.

"Right, bucks 'n dynas, Bossquar give us a job, 'n it's bonzer." He used a stick to point at the map. "This is our mob here, all cushy in our bunkos."

"An' why is we here, exactly, Boss?" J'yk said with genuine curiosity. 

"Too keep you away from the dynas, ya grub!" This was met with hoots of laughter and good natured shoving.

"All right! All right!" Yawdryl B'ndyt went on. "This loverly tropical paradise we find ourselves at is sitting on strategic airship lanes. So we control this, we can move our airships through. See?"

J'yk nodded, like he understood. 

B'ndyt pointed to a spot on the other side of the island. "Thing is, see, the bozzer of it is the Roylies have the same notion, an their mob is ovah 'ere."

"So we's going on a walkie up this trail, set up an OP here (he pointed at a ridgeline), dig in, and have a brew. An' make sure no Roylies come the other way wit' the same notion."

"Three days rations. All the ammo and water you can carry. Blu'y, you're point. Byngo you're rear. T'ym and Taym, you've got extra biccies?"

"Sure thing, Boss. But..." Taym paused. "The choccos 'ave all melted."


Here we are, the first squad of Toulmorese. Quar army number 5!

Their caps made me think Australians. I was briefly tempted to go more 8th Army,  but the Gloam-Hyyn arriving pushed the decision to more of a Burma or Vietnam feel. This certainly inspired a rewatching of Platoon after 40 years.

Their fatigues are Antique Green craft paint. Helmets are Tamiya Olive Drab with a sepia ink wash. Webbing and equipment is Tamiya khaki with a sepia ink wash over top.

Laser Plants are from Gamer Grass. 

I have now used all of my plastic bodies, and pretty much exhausted the extra weapons from the plastic set. The ryshis in particular are hard to fit on the printed running torsos and need gap filler. But I wanted to make sure I used my limited plastic torsos for some special characters. 

In the fluff the Toulmorese squad structure is a little different. The three ryshis are grouped together into their own team. They are also allowed a marksquar carrying a captured, longer ranged, Harlech rhyfle.

I have an stl for Crusader arms carrying a harlech. I should get Don to print a pair and another running torso. It would certainly fit my idea of these quar being similar to Chindits, penetrating deep into the jungle to take the war to the enemy. 

Apologies to any Australian readers for my mangled attempt at writing an Australian voice and slang. My knowledge is entirely from watching Australian murder mysteries and Bluey. But they're Quar, so they aren't exactly Aussies, are they?