Saturday, February 1, 2025

Reinforcing the Whimsy

I started assembly on these on New Year's Day. I was having troubles with the glue, so some of the joins are pretty rough, but at 3 feet you can't tell. 

I also tried diluting my brown undercoat, hoping that I could get by with one coat of pink, but no, I still needed two coats. And instead I had to give the belting a brown ink wash, and highlight again. That'll teach me to try something new.

But here they are, 14 new additions to Princess P'trysha of Collysh's Lifeguard Infantry. This brings the force up to 40 troops, so they're pretty close to being able to fight on their own. They just need tractors and a field gun. I have both of those in the works.

The full batch

skirmishing rhyflers

Only had two shouldered arms left, and had to build the left arms from two different arms to get the closed fist.

Milwer waves them forward

Master-Yawdryl to complete Company HQ. The plume and sword distinguish him from the  Yawdryls and Milwers.

Messenger Squirrel Handler with his favourite pykpyk riding on his shoulder ready for the next assignment

Two more scatter gunners. Who needs LMGs when you've got multi-barreled shotguns?

Two more Grenadiers. Decided to make one of them a Yawdryl and put the Grenadiers in their own squad. I didn't have a left hand holding a tea cup, so he's carrying his rhyfle, just call it Tactical Tea Service.

While I was at it, I painted scabbards for the officers.

Command team

Full contingent of Scatter Gunners

Grenadier Squad

All the rhyflers!

Three rhyfler squads and one grenadier squad plus the scatter gunners to assign where needed gives me a nice little company.  

For tractors I'm going to cross-faction and issue them the cute little, tea pot shaped Squeedle, which is supposed to be for the Gloam-Hyyn. Small, fast(ish), light armour, light gun.

Not mine. Photo from the Quar Facebook page.

The Tolly Maeryn have this whimsical, Seussian, shoe-shaped, contraption, called the Faelvor. But I'm going to assign them to the PPCLI. Maybe. Still deciding.

I'm getting gunners printed. I'll just need an appropriate field gun. A First World War field gun or early Second World War infantry gun with wooden wheels will do.


  1. Splendidly whimsical troops, lovely and fun!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

  2. Oh and I've finally got the Bunde book and 200 plus hat and Victrix figures mainly through following your Bavarian project to add to my 1809 project , just gone through all your Napoleonic posts again, so thanks for that! Of course I'll need to start a Prussian army after that to do 1813/14...!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. I'm happy to be of help! The Hät figures are quite nice I think and do the job well.
      1813 Prussians have always been a favorite as well.

  3. They look like fun. Pink orcs, pink panzers, now pink gar. Not gonna lose them in the pickup stage.

  4. Gorgeous pink livery. Also, you did some very nifty work on the wicker backpacks.
    (I love the very idea of wicker backpacks).

    1. Thank you! Dark brown. Dry brush off white. Thinned burnt umber ink wash.
      Those pykpyks inside need to breath!
