Monday, February 20, 2012

More Tea

One of the small distributors I deal with carries a lot of interesting imports. In their list was Bewley's Irish Breakfast Tea. This was a nice addition and helped round out my rather pedestrian selection of Tetley and Red Rose.

It started selling like crazy. People coming in and asking anxiously "Have you got any Bewley's in yet?" Sadly the rep only comes in every 4 to 6 weeks and there are only 6 boxes in a case. I brought in two cases; one for an anxious woman and another for the shelf. Here I am thinking that the 'Bewley's woman' is the only one buying it and the other case will sit. Nope. Sold out over the weekend!

So I bring in FOUR cases. Gone. But not before I was able to buy a box for myself to see what the fuss was about. It's a nice, strong full bodied black tea. Just the way I like it.

This weekend Patrick came over to play and he likes to buy things for people. He brought me a box of tea:
 This is also very good and the way I like it; full bodied and strong enough to soothe anxious nerves during the Blitz or help generals during disasterous battles.

The fact that it is fair trade, rainforest friendly and organic just makes even better.


  1. But I'm not a Brit!
    The stereotype for Canadians is a 'Large Double Double' from Tim Horton's (large coffee, double cream, double sugar).
    I do like donuts though....
