Saturday, February 4, 2012


In between studying for my WPC102 (Written Performance Check aka a 'test') and my PPC102 (Practical Performance Check i.e. I have to give a lesson- my PowerPoint on the CF Role in the UN and NATO is going to be stellar!) I have been reading a few books loaned to me by a friend.

Both are from the Stackpole Military History Series.

First up was Goodwood by Ian Dagleish. An interesting study of a controversial battle which I had heard of before but didn't know much about. The attempt to force a corps of three armoured divisions through a narrow gap in the minefields and overrun the German defences after a paralyzing bombardment was bold and had some initial success, but eventually reinforced the lesson that tanks need infantry up close to help clear those pesky anti-tank guns out of hiding.

He gets very detailed in his analysis and the book provides a wealth of scenario ideas for company level actions.

After that I started Armoured Guardsmen, the diary of a troop commander in the Coldstream Guards from Normandy to the Rhine. It is a fascinating and well written account from the commander's seat of a Sherman tank. His view of the Goodwood battle was quite interesting to read after the bigger picture provided by the previous book. But the small details of the friction of war and how it can effect things (like his radio operator is wounded and how having a good Operator makes life so much calmer for a Troop cmdr) makes me more understanding when the cards don't fall the way I'd like when playing I Ain't Been Shot Mum!

Both books are highly recommended and also reinforce my pressing need for some orchards and walled Norman farms for my 15mm games.

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