Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A New Plan!


"This Operation will be conducted in four phases. No, wait! Five phases. Or maybe six."

The Tribes subscription has certainly paid dividends. To get one of the stls later as a print would cost me USD$6/figure, plus postage. With the number of figures Don is printing for me, I've certainly made the subscription pay for  itself. 

There are extra arms, packs, heads, and a running torso to use spare arms from the plastic set. 

Sorting everything out 

Three of each tractor. Just hatches and TCs to glue in, otherwise no assembly. 

Splagen torpedo ammunition carriers 

Royalist trench raiders 

Mechanics, farmers, and beetles 

Seeing people in the community get all excited and then they have a piece printed and painted a day after release, generates even more excitement. 

And given me ideas.

Ridiculously whimsical ideas.

Each side is going to get a section plus of allied troops. Bicorne wearing Gwynt for the Royalists and some Toulmoreans for the Crusaders. Toulmorean hats make me think of Australian bush hats, so they're going to get a more suitable colour scheme. The official is brick red for infantry and blue-grey for marines, but I'm thinking arid or jungle, as some kind of Force Recon/Long Range Recce Patrol unit. The Gwyntish troops in their comic opera hats will be a nod to the PPCLI and have a uniform designed by a 5 year old princess, so pink and purple. And the arms with teapots and tea cups. 

Of course I got these ideas after Don filled a box and sent the first lot of prints. 

So now I have to wait and conserve some of the plastic bodies for these new troops. While still pursuing my initial ideas of a detachment of Trench Raiders for the Coftyrans and a unit of elite Assault Pioneers for the Crusaders. 

A misprinted arm is an opportunity to give this TC  a hand gesturing with a cigar 

You can tell they're NCOs, because they're pointing. Pointing out what a horrible little quar you are and a disgrace to the uniform. 

Of course,  this week's announcement from Wargames Atlantic gives me even more ideas.


  1. Looks like you have a decent plan and plenty of troops to get painted

  2. THAT'S a lot of Quar all at once. and now you have tractors! good luck on the progress. 😁

    1. Well, I bought both plastic boxes at once.
      And I've already got 10x tractors, these are just my first "official" models.
