Monday, July 29, 2024

More Scatter Terrain

Because UPS sit on a Throne of Lies, my box of prints from Don did not arrive Friday as estimated. So what else to do?

I had a nice clean table thanks to Dan's Congo game. I always find a nice clean table top very motivating to bash out some terrain. 

So on Sunday,  instead of painting Tartarian Motor Rifles or Napoleonic Russian Jaegers, I smashed out a bunch of Quar/jungle theme terrain pieces.

I had some plywood disks from the discount store in two sizes; 4"/100mm and 3"/75mm. Spray brown. I also had some weird plastic plant balls from the discount store. Took those apart and hot glued the pieces onto the disks. Then spread PVA glue and discount tea leaves to flock. On the first batch I added some flowers and laser plants. On the second batch I didn't bother and just crammed more onto the bases. 

First batch was so much fun, I found some more disks. This time I glued on some cedar bark to give a little height. The yellow plasticene is from an early attempt at craters.

Half of one of the balls. Easy job to remove the foliage. I ran out of the other two styles, so I've just left four or five of these long leafed domes together. They fit in fine and are just over 4"/100mm across. 

First batch ready to flock

Quar patrol the jungle 

You can see some flowers and laser plants on a few bases

Second batch base on right

All the pieces!

Into the Heart of Darkness. 
"I hope there's some good eating."
"Shut up, Quarl!"

Exaggerated, over the top, whimsical terrain really fit the Quar. But I also think that these will work for Burma if I want to do that campaign some time. 


  1. The terrain looks owe UPS a vote of thanks for encouraging this creativity!
