Monday, August 26, 2024

Chyweethl Gun Tractors

Milwer Krys fired a burst from the Cryfen light automatic rhyfle at the Crusader trying to throw an Anti-Tractor bundle grenade at them. The Green dropped back into the crater, followed by cries of panic, a loud explosion, and large cloud of dirt. There wouldn't be any threat form that direction for a while.

A high velocity shell screamed overhead. He looked around and saw that it had come from the hulking shape of an Alithean that had come from behind the ruined factory.

"Action front! Enemy tractor! 100 meters! Load AP!"

Myk, the gunner slammed the breech shut and hit the FIRE button without waiting for a command. "Firing!" 

The small vehicle rocked back from the recoil. Their shell exploded, glancing off the sloping side of the big turret. A muzzle flash told them the target was unaffected and returning fire.

Krys dropped into the compartment and closed the hatch just as the tractor shook and rang from being hit in the glacis. Flakes of red hot steel sprayed through the vision slits, burning his snout and rattling on his goggles.  He'd have been killed by shrapnel if he'd stayed un-buttoned. Myk worked the breech again, and Krys acted as loader in the cramped space to help speed up their rate of fire. He looked through the narrow slit and saw the enemy tractor shifting to their left to get out of their line of fire. "He's moving! Left! Keep on him!"

Stig, their driver turned the tractor around to help aim the main gun. "Following!" He had to scream over the engine noise and explosions around them, even though Krys and Myk were sitting right behind him.

Myk hit the FIRE button again. "Gotcha!" 

Krys watched as the tractor shed a pedrail and ground to halt. It's big turret began turning towards them.

"Again! Hit 'em again!" Another AP round was slammed in the breech. The FIRE button pushed. The tractor rocked back on it's suspension.

This round hit the back of the turret, where the engine was located, and smoke began billowing out. They watched the enemy crew pop open hatches and tumble out in a panic. Carefully, Krys raised his own hatch to get a better look around. Small arms fire rattled around him. "Action right! Enemy rhyflers! Load HE!" He worked the action on the Cryfen and took aim.


Well, thanks to the My Mini Factory Tribe and Don's 3d printer, I have my first finished official Quar vehicles. A trio of Chyweethl Coftyran Gun Tractors.

They're odd little things, rather reminiscent of a football married to a StuG. But they've grown on me.

I added some extra stowage and metal weapons from the old accessory packs Zombiesmith used to sell. The decals are form the Tiger tank model that is the basis for the Iron Keep. The camouflage net rolled  up on the front of one is cheese cloth soaked in white glue and stuck on before priming.

You can get one already printed from Zombiesmith here, or buy the stl from Wargames Atlantic here.

These bring the Royalist Mechanical Corps up to 9 assorted AFVs.