Thursday, August 22, 2024

Extra Quar from the Tribe Subscription!

Podwyn approached the pile of leaves carefully, like a small rodent approaching the den of a predator. Fear rose up in his throat, but he pressed on. As acting-Milwer and Duty NCO, he had a vitally critical job.

My new Master-Yawdryl with his Tactical Mug. Battle might be imminent, but let's see to the important things first

The pile of leaves stirred slightly, and he could hear gentle snoring. He stood staring at the gently pulsating leaf pile. He wished that he had asked Brachyn how to do this. He coughed nervously. The snoring paused briefly, and then continued. 

"Ahem" he coughed louder this time. 

No response. 

What would Ehn'ki'du, the Father of all Quar, the Law Giver do?

He grabbed a stick.

Aiming for what he hoped was the thickest end of the pile, he gave it a firm poke.

With a squeak, a snout thrust violently from the other end of the leaf pile. "We'd better be under attack or the Caerten's set himself on fire again!" The snout snarled angrily. 

"Uhhh.... tea's up, Master-Yawdryl." Podwyn gestured with the steaming mug he held as an offering. "You said to wake you before Stand-To."

Master-Yawdryl Vaark sat up, still wrapped in his blanket, dry leaves falling from him like a tree in autumn. "So I did, so I did!" Podwyn gave him the mug of strong dark tea. The Master-Yawdryl took a satisfying slurp. "That's the stuff! We'll make a rhyfler of you yet, Pudding."

'Pudding' was his nickname in the company after a memorable weekend pass. He held out a wrapped bundle. "Cook sent along breakfast. Grubs in a bun."

"Champion!" Vaark took the sandwich and nodded. "Report."

Podwyn opened his Field Message Pad, and while the Master-Yawdryl ate, recited the events of the night, passed on from Duty NCO to Duty NCO. "A herd of wild Faerfs passed Huwl's post at 0315 hours." 

Vaark nodded. "Which way?"

Podwyn consulted his notes. "Uhhh... South to north. Came within 25 meters of Huwl." Podwyn paused. 

Vaark nodded, finished his sandwich, and stood up. With efficient, practiced motions, he shook the leaves off of his blanket, rolled it up and tied it to the top of his pack. He put on his helmet and checked his Bogen.

"Right! We've been rumbled."

He stretched his neck looking around the bivouac site at the peacefully sleeping piles of leaves among the trees. "Right. My mug seems to be empty. I'm going to see Cook for a refill and you get everyone up. Quietly. O Group at the CP in twenty."

Faerfs moving before dawn was definitely off. He suspected that the big quadrapeds had been spooked by a Blue patrol. Maybe not. But he trusted his snout. And better to be overly cautious than get ambushed. They'd need to slide West before continuing South to the target. He shouldered his pack and picked up his Bogen. They should move again as soon as everyquar was up and fed. 

But first more tea.

He went to find Cook. And then Caerten Bleg. In that order. He couldn't face the Caerten or a Contact with the Blues without more caffeine first.

Yawdryls. You can tell they're NCOs because they're pointing. The blue one is gesturing with a cigar. But he's still pointing. At you. Pointing out all of your faults. Pointing out that you're a horrible wee quar and a disgrace to your ancestors. 3d printed bodies, packs, heads and arms.

Ryshi gunners. Turns out I was short three of these to finish my sections.

These and the Yawdryls all use the "running Crusader" torso released on the MyMiniFactory Tribe

Very multi-media Quar. 3d printed resin bodies and packs. Plastic arms left over from a sprue. Metal ammunition pouches. One of them also has a lot of Airfix gap filler putty to make the arms work.

Couldn't get left arm to line up with rhyfle, so I went for the "reaching for a magazine" pose.

1 piece 3d printed resin ammunition carriers for the Spalgen Anti-tractor torpedoes. I love how goofy these are, and even without eyes or mouths, they manage to look suitably anxious.

I'm getting a sixth one printed, so that each torpedo launcher will have two ammo carriers. Then they can fill the role of a Rifle Grenade section for mirroring British WW1 platoon tactics.

First official Quar tractor; an Alithean. Four whole pieces; tracks, turret, hatch and commander.

The turret is hollow,  giving you a couple of nice big cavities to put your fingers in and a central cross support to grip while you paint it

His left arm was misprinted, so switched it for a pointing cigar.

Every AFV needs stowage. In my head the boxes are rations. Tins of moth soup and corned grubs.

Civilian mechanic, painted two different ways. One piece print.

Every Senior NCO I've ever known was kept going by caffeine and anger.

Plastic body with 3d printed arms from the Tribe

I thought about putting something like "I [heart] Dad" but decided a regimental badge was simpler. He bought it at the Quar equivalent of the Regimental Kitshop or PX (or the CANEX for my Canadian readers) and it's been in his pack ever since.

The Tribe subscription is certainly paying off. Hopefully these additions will make playing Quar of Command easier for my friends. Even I found it hard to designate Junior Big Quar which made it awkward. 

But pointing or waving troops forward should be a good visual identifier without resorting to different bases or labeling or trying to colour code.


  1. Fantastic. I am considering a 3D printer, have been building up my Quar STL file list. Knocking out two small projects and then back to Qaur by November. I am also going the Quar of Command route.

  2. Superb additions for your Crusaders

  3. As always very impressive. I'm quite taken by the Althean, it's an amazing beast. Your backstories make these posts.
