Monday, February 10, 2025

Presentation of Colours

Flags have been part of Quar since the beginning. When I started out I didn't get the Company HQ Squads because they contained standard bearers and musicians, figures I didn't really want and would just negate the bulk discount for buying a whole unit. Since I was reaching for an alternative First World War, flags didn't really fit.

But the thing about Quar, the more you're around them, the more you get sucked into their goofy little Seussian world of over-sized bugs, and weird ways of doing things.

An army that is going to insist on wearing pink coats with purple facings on the same battlefield with tractors and machine guns is probably still going to be carrying it's regimental colours into battle too.

Quar are going to Quar.

In This Quar's War flags give a benefit in break tests to troops within a certain range.

He started out as a Coftyran Baenyr, or officer cadet, nervously holding his sword up. But the blade snapped off in transit. I decided to drill out his hands and insert a metal spear from my bits box. I then decided to transfer him from the Coftyrans to the PPCLI and snipped off his head and added a spare Gwynt bicorne. Being an Ensign, he doesn't get the big plume worn by the Is-Caertens and Caertens.

The flag is inspired by 18th Century Prussian infantry colours. If I switched the Squirrel with an eagle and added Frederick the Great's monogram, it could probably be a Fusilier regiment's flag.

He's smaller than the other figures, being a youth. So I made his spots smaller.

It's his first battle, but he's nervously determined to do his best for his Princess.

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