Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Starting Quar Army #5! Toulmore

Okay, here's the FIFTH Quar "army" started. Granted, Quar army number 3, the Partisans, is only 5 figures (for now!). But with the Crusaders, Coftyrans, and PPCLI pretty much done (there are a few pieces I want to add, but waiting for the Tribe, printing and sourcing alternative stls to get what i desire), its time to start on the next lot. Although I doubt I'll get them done before the next box arrives from Don.

Perversely, I'm starting this army with their tractor before I even finish assembling the infantry. I didn't particularly like this tractor at first, but it's rather grown on me. Which seems to be a common theme with Quar.

The Twaenhyr is the "official" tractor for the Crusader aligned Toulmorese. Another 3d print from the MyMiniFactory Tribe and Don's resin printer. 

Because I'm planning on building the Toulmorese and Gloam-Hyyn as bayou/mangrove swamp/jungle fighting opponents I went with a more "jungle" feel to the camouflage. It's certainly inspired by Japanese tanks anyway.

Fighting in jungle, the Toulmorese troops only need one tractor. But they can borrow an Alithean if needed too.

I added some metal packs, because all tanks need stowage.

So, it's done, I just need to assemble and paint the infantry.

H11 LMG gunners with assistants, and officers behind 

Squirrel Handler giving his squirrel it's assignment, and a Medic ready to dispense tea and sympathy 

Light mortar operator with a No.2 carrying more ammunition 

I've only got 10 or 11 plastic bodies, so I'm making sure I get all the special figures built first before the rhyflers. 

I'll have 20 or so when I'm done. 

A nice little background video for Toulmore is here.

1 comment:

  1. The tractor looks like a Japanese Type 97 and a Soviet KV2 had a love child. Love the jungle vibe.
