It's not been a bad year gaming wise, even with schedules getting busy again. The pictures are in roughly chronological order.
A couple of good projects were finished, started or expanded upon.
Finished the Bavarians. Well, I finished everything I've bought for them and they're big enough to play with. But I'm not ruling out a 3rd brigade or some dragoons for 1809.
Painted a Prussian army.
Introduced my Grandson to toy soldiers. Hopefully that will grow as the years pass.
Started some WW2 naval with 3d printed miniatures, but haven't gotten anywhere with them.
Knocked these Swiss off the leadpile.
Significantly added to my Rohirrim with 24 more riders mustered to the host.
Dusted off my Bag the Hun for a convention game which went quite well I thought.
My Bavarians naturally saw a lot of action this year. They did well in their
Sharp Practice games, but not so good in
General d'Armee against Scott.
Starting an Austrian army was unexpected. But their arrival coincided nicely with reading John Gill's Thunder on the Danube trilogy.

Significantly increasing the Dwarves wasn't exactly unexpected, but long delayed. Expensive being all metal, but well worth the price.
I finished the year with a flurry of games. Solo:
Games were up 15% over the last two years, ending with 23 in total.
1 virtual -Dragon Rampant
3 solo -Sharp Practice, Victory at Sea and Dragon Rampant
19 Face to face, including 7 at conventions.
9x games were Napoleonic
3x were WW2 (1 in each of land, sea and air)
4x were fantasy
3x were ancient or medieval games using Lion Rampant 2.
The rest were one offs of Cold War, Cowboys, Gangsters, and Vietnam.
Last year I outlined my objectives as the following:
So for 2022, I'd like to
- Play more Napoleonics, or air, or Middle Earth, or WW2 or anything really
- Build a castle for Middle Earth and Medieval
- Build urban ruins for 15mm WW2
- Build SF corridors and Off-world Colony terrain
- Sort out my ideas for a SF/Contact Front hybrid
- finish the Bavarians and Prussians
- keep smashing the leadpile down
- buy less, but keep painting output up
I did play more, especially Napoleonics and Middle Earth.
I did finish my Bavarians and Prussians. I've got a few battalions of Prussians to paint, but all major elements that I've bought are done, and it's a big enough army to play with.
I did knock some of the leadpile down, but I think I've bought or was given far more. So net increase to the pile.
I never did get to the BIG terrain projects which are still on my "to-do" list: castle, urban ruins, SF corridors/space colony.
But I did do some smaller terrain projects; autumn trees, big trees, added some churches to the Napoleonic terrain.
Didn't get my "Contact Front in Space" idea sorted.
So not bad, bit of a mixed result. But not bad.
The table is cleared off from the holiday gaming frenzy so maybe I'll crack on with trying out my game ideas while I glue Austrians, Russians and Dwarves together.
So this year my objectives are:
- keep playing!
- try and get some under played collections on the table again
- sort out the SF rules and something for the naval and perhaps even the forgotten Samurai
- build up Russians and Austrians for Napoleonics
- paint Dwarves
- if a castle happens to get built, that'd be grand
We'll see how get on. Watch this space.