In which I blog about my miniature wargaming and whatever else takes my interest!

In which I blog about my miniature wargaming and whatever else takes my interest!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Rolling in a Big Pile of Quar!


Don't kink shame me!

The cause of the Quarish baccanale is a Big Box of Quar arriving from Don.

In addition to some utilitarian hit/shock dials (because shock piles up very fast in TQW), there are bits to add to the Coftyrans, Crusaders, Toulmorese, and the PPCLI.

This little recoilless rifle is cute AF, and in my mind looks too modern for the Tollyn Maeryn. I'm issuing one to the Toulmorese (as shown) and a second to the Crusaders to replace the German infantry gun they currently have. That will go to the Tollyn Maeryn. The gunner bodies however are going to get used with different heads for the PPCLI and some 8" howitzers (see below)

Moth Cake Chef. A Tribe membership reward. Got two. Pink hat and he'll be at the Tea Wagon for the PPCLI. Khaki hat and he'll be at the Field Kitchen for the Crusaders.

I liked how the PPCLI Squirrel Handler turned out so well I had Don print me another running body and more squirrel baskets. So now the Coftyrans have a Squirrel Handler too!

Paerydyn Heavy Gun Tractor for the Coftyrans. Big gun, heavy armour. Something to counter the Baeliogs. Got two. Because. Don't judge me.

A troop of Squeedles because the PPCLI need some armour. They're lightly armoured and fast(ish?), so I hope five is enough when encountering Baeliogs or Chyweethls. 

But wait! There's more!

Not one, but two, count 'em! TWO new armies!

The swamp dwelling Gloam-Hyyn have arrived.  I can organize them into 4x squads of seven, plus a Scout group, and HQ elements. Their camouflage helmets and functional sandals will make them a fine opponent for the Toulmorese. 

As I was sorting figures I noticed some broken gun barrels and hit on some conversion ideas.

Broken carbine? No problem!

Add some left over Crusader packs and I've got a Medic!

Scouts and Trackers with their barely tame Sarf-Cyn attack beasts.

HQ Group. Squirrel Handler, Master-Yawdryl, more than enough officers. In the fluff the officers are on attached duty from the Royal army, so they look more regular and are wearing hip waders! But I've got enough extra to try some conversions on. I might even attempt doing a leg swap to make one who's gone "native."

Four squads: each with 5 rhyflers, 1 cryfen LMG, 1 Yawdryl with Doru. Single piece figures, but different packs to give some variety.

Extra Cryfen and Yawdryl, plus another broken carbine, who will be wrangling the Ganga pack animal.

Painting them will be Phase 6, I guess.

Phase 6B will be making some jungle terrain. I cant borrow Pasha Dan's all the time.

Then there's Phase 7. The Tollyn-Maeryn in spiked helmets and older style uniforms. They will be First World War German analogs. And provide the 12-16 gun crew I need for Brequar Manor. Or any Verdun style games I want to set up. 

Not one piece prints. So many arms. But I'm going to ask Don to mirror some of the enpty handed left arms so I can make gun crew.

They're pretty simple. Big squads of bolt action rhyflers. So I'm going to give them some metal Vickers HMGs to put in their trenches. 

Eek! Don printed four of the Faelvor Armoured Wagon, but (at least) two burst and covered everything with uncured resin. So I'll have to wash them in isopropyl and see what can be done. Maybe I can make a nice wreck for No Quar's Land.

Phase 7B will be making, or buying, three more gun pits to accommodate the four 8" howitzers Don printed for me. And making some kind of fort-bunker thingy, because the forts at Verdun have grabbed my imagination somewhat. 

8" howitzers that have been waiting patiently for enough crew.

Yes, in the fluff (I hate "Lore"), they're Crusader aligned, but I'm going to use them as enemies for both my "British" Crusaders and "French" Coftyrans. 

The new fluff coming out is depicting a lot of political chaos and strained alliances, so I think Zombiesmith is positioning the game so that anyone can fight anyone else. 

I imagine a Royalist Public Affairs Officer would say the "Crusaders" are whoever was shooting at them today. And anyone fighting the Crusaders on any given day become by default a "Royalist." Rather like the various groups opposing the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War. They're all "White" but not all are fighting to restore the Tsar and Imperial Russia.

So now to get back to painting the Toulmorese, so I can dig in to the Gloam-Hyyn!


  1. be still my beating heart! I have been wanting to get ahold of some of those Paerydyn Heavy Gun Tractor since I first saw sketches of them.

    1. The Paerydyn are another model I initially dismissed as "nah man, too goofy!" but has since grown on me.
