In which I blog about my miniature wargaming and whatever else takes my interest!

In which I blog about my miniature wargaming and whatever else takes my interest!

Monday, August 12, 2024

Thundering Dice 2-24

Slower schedules and vacations means that the Mad Padre and I have been able to connect for another of our Sleep Over Playdates. I think this was our second for this year. 

I recall we had hopes of doing this 3 or 4 times a year. But things change alas. Adapt and move on as my old Sergeant-Major said.

This time the logistics worked so that I drove up to scenic Collingwood Ontario where Michael is a pastor, to hang out at his 170 year old rectory where the Padre has his gaming stuff.

Lovely and bright. Room for at least four players I think around the 5x6 table. 

Dresser drawers are storing gaming aides and terrain 

Most of his board games, sorted by period.

First game we bashed around with a couple of small learning games of Honours of War. Interesting. Definitely worth more time. Maybe I feel positive because I squeaked a win in game 1.


Russian cavalry

Prussian cavalry


Let's see how charges work, shall we?

I envelope the Prussian left and break that battalion of Fusiliers 

I learn how charging steady, well trained Prussian Musketeers works (hint: it doesn't!). 

Game 2

After dinner, Mike got out one of his many hex and counter games. But just a small one:

I quickly grasped the novel turn sequence and the essence of the thing. Attacked with my legions lead by my praetors while everyone else supported their flanks. Two sacked Spanish cities and 5 VPs later, I got a Triumph and the honorific "Hispanicus Maximus. "

The next day I set up my Quar. 

Two forces are pushing into a heavily fought over section of No Quar's Land to try and straighten the Front. 

Field gun put some hurt on my tractor

My cavalry finally got to fight each other. They charged each other three times, until the Royalists broke in the last fight.

I was greedy and wanted ALL THE QUAR on the table! Consequently Mike had trouble tracking everything. Doing 2 SPs per figure is great if you want more units to accommodate 6 players,  3 of whom are conversant with the rules. I should have just done fewer units and had 10 quar per section (1 SP per figure) to keep it simpler.

After dinner we went for a nostalgic game of Longstreet. Mike has been working on his 28mm ACW for many decades, and we played the heck out of it when he lived much closer. We even attempted a couple of short campaigns. 

My veteran Texas brigade 

My Green but enthusiastic Mississippi brigade 

"Forward boys!"

Limbers get a +1 for coolness

It was hot & deadly work at the bloody battle of Rectory Creek. The Fate of the Republic was dependent upon this day's endeavors!

The Republic was saved. 

My Mississippians spilled a lot of blood fighting back and forth through this wheat field 

Texans firefight with some Union in the woods

With a Rebel Yell

Texans clear out the woods and try turning the Union flank 

Texans try to smash through, but are stopped by the Irish Brigade who came up from reserve at the double 

Another charge into the blood soaked wheat

End of game. The Confederacy is spent. The Union has one regiment still in reserve. 

Yes, the Republic was saved. 

Whereas I, Gen. Beauregard T. Robicheaux, retired to my plantation in Mississippi to heap blame and opprobrium upon a political rival for the loss.

We closed our Lad's Weekend watching the 1958 Stanley Kubrick film Paths of Glory. Before I headed for home after breakfast, Mike gifted me this splendid Front Rank figure, painted as Archduke Charles, ready to lead my whitecoats to glory!