In which I blog about my miniature wargaming and whatever else takes my interest!

In which I blog about my miniature wargaming and whatever else takes my interest!

Sunday, October 27, 2024

More Troops Mobilized!

Tartarian Motor Rifle Company/Platoon

Mantovian Rifle Company/Platoon

While waiting for more Quar to arrive from Don's 3d printers, I cracked on with another batch of infantry for my Mantovia Cold War project.

Dedicated Anti-tank teams/sections

To keep some balance I did a unit of Tartarian Motor Rifles and a unit of Mantovian infantry. I also did the Mantovian Support Weapons; 3x 81mm mortars, 4x MMG teams, and a couple of Carl Gustav stands for the AT Platoon.

Look closely and you can see the Observer's and the No.2's FNs lying beside them.

Machine Gun Platoon

For the Mantovians, and to retrofit the first unit, I did stands with either a rifleman and a machine gun, or a soldier with a Sterling SMG and Carl Gustav, just for variety and a reminder that the rifle sections/platoons have some organic AT capability.

Rather fast and dirty paint job. But from a couple feet away they look the business

Mortar Platoon with transport

If I go really low scale like Chain of Command, then their presence and exact location will be important.

A section in IABSM, or a Platoon in O Group

The Mantovian Support Weapons didn't make the first shipment. They were in production when Don's resin printer died. This second lot arrived with their supports still attached, which trying to clip off was interesting to say the least. I think the pile of discarded supports was as big as the pile of figures. And I inadvertently clipped off some MG bipods. Oops. I doubt anyone will notice. But more FN and AK barrels survived the trip.

Whether these are sections or platoons or companies depends upon the rules I'm using. Honestly I'm not sure what a stand of infantry in Seven Days to the River Rhine equals.

Another unit of Mantovians, and another unit of Tartarians plus the Tartarian's 120mm mortars, are up next.

Then I'll have 3x units and supports for each side and can maybe try a game.

Of something....

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