In which I blog about my miniature wargaming and whatever else takes my interest!

In which I blog about my miniature wargaming and whatever else takes my interest!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Feeling conflicted

So instead of basing up my Austrian cavalry tonight, I ended up Skyping with my eldest.

She's studying Civil Engineering out of province and has been having trouble finding a Civil Engineering related summer job. She got interviews but the economy is what it is and her one really solid opportunity collapsed with a hiring freeze. Returning home to work part-time as a cashier at a grocery store was looming large.

But she networked some more and at the last minute got herself a job with the provincial power company. So I'm very pleased.

But she's also not coming home for the summer.

You see my problem here, don't you?


  1. Yes but it good news for her and for you really, her happiness is the most important thing now.

  2. Career related experience is vital. And I'm very proud she's ready to leave the nest full of confidence, ambition and eager to strike out on her own, but I do like having her around too.
