In which I blog about my miniature wargaming and whatever else takes my interest!

In which I blog about my miniature wargaming and whatever else takes my interest!

Monday, October 21, 2024

Playdate with Quar!

I've known Chris for 50 years. We played with our Airfix soldiers and Rocco Minitanks as kids. Played AD&D on Friday nights in high school. We were cadets together and later CIC Officers together. He helps me run Hot Lead every year. He was my Best Man, I was one of his Groomsmen. 

Back in the day.

Except he now lives 3 1/2 hours away, and is quite busy managing a restaurant in his extremely photogenic tourist town for 6 months of the year. The other 6 months are winter and travel around here gets complicated.

But he finished closing the restaurant for the season on Friday and drove down on Saturday to catch up, and push some of these Quar that he's been reading about around. 

After eating, blathering, eating some more, solving the world's problems, we finally got to the essential dice rolling about 9 o'clock!

He had my company of Crusaders with 2x attached Heavy Shotgun teams, and 3x Alithean medium tanks.

I attacked with my company of Royalists, the Trench Raider detachment, and 5x tractors. The PPCLI were going to come on as well, giving me odds of 2:1.

We used Quar of Command with an edit for the Ryshi. I was misinterpreting the weapon, and after some discussion about it on the Quar Discord, I got a better grasp on what Joshua has in mind. It's not really just a heavier assault rifle or a squad automatic weapon. It's basically a magazine fed, small cannon, which in warfare of entrenchments and fortifications, would be rather useful for punching a hole in the sandbagged parapet of a trench or something. So I dropped the ROF to 1, but it adds +1 Shock and reduces cover by 1.

Chris was defending a trench line that was covering a gun position. 

The "Objective"

Coftyran assault wave

Draepkyndl Assault Tractor breaches the wire but is promptly brewed up. Once again I don't get to try it in combat. 

Coftyran high water mark. My assault won, but the Is-Caerten leading it joined his ancestors. My Force Morale collapsed. The Trench Raiders are working their way around the flank on the bottom of the picture, but rolling 3 for movement twice in a row didn't help. 

Quar of the Match. This Alithean knocked out 3 of my 5 tractors. 2 are brewed up. The 1 on the right is bailed out with excess shock.

This flitting Quar right here saved the day.

My left. 2x sections and a field gun trying to pin the Crusaders in place. 

Tractors in the center getting knocked out 

Support on the right flank 

This tractor has its gun disabled. My only AT success. 

I tended to roll high on the Bad Things Happen table, so each tractor or weapon team eliminated lost me 2 FM points!

We stayed up far to late just enjoying each other's company. Next morning was bacon and eggs at my favourite brunch place and then he left and I nursed a headache, because I'm a lightweight.

Unless we organize a Christmas get together, it will be next Hot Lead that we see each other again.

So I still need to get the Trench Raiders and PPCLI into a fight. But I did get to try the new stats for the Ryshi, and I like them.

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