In which I blog about my miniature wargaming and whatever else takes my interest!

In which I blog about my miniature wargaming and whatever else takes my interest!

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

This Quar's War

Busy weekend meant I got a table set up Saturday,  but didn't start flipping cards and rolling dice until 9 pm Sunday night.

I set up a table to try out new terrain, including the new Big Sexy Trees and Huvi pen. Two companies are converging on the village. Victory Points will be awarded for buildings controlled. 

Rather slow working through the rules, but I managed 4 Rounds (turns of the cards), before I decided that I really should go to bed, because Monday morning comes early, with a harsh, unforgiving inevitability. 

To play solo, I decide what I want to do with potentially 5 Activations in order. I then do Activations 1 to 3 before turning over the card to see if Activations 4 and/or 5 will occur.

Villager passes the Shrine on his way to work

Couple of villagers discussing the weather, crops, or how many bottles of homebrew for a dozen Huvi eggs.

Royalist left

Royalist center with Company HQ

Royalist right

Royalist Right from above. Maneuver arrows and fire markers are set down 

Royalist Left. M3b HMG team gets its own movement arrow

Crusader right 

Crusader center

Crusader left from above

Crusader right from above. They will do a "Sweeping Advance" to move their Fire Priority markers onto the Coftyrans. 

Opening advance 

Opening advance through the grain fields. Squad at the back about to be taken in a crossfire 

Crusaders open fire 

Crusader left advancing covered by tractor. They are in the text book "2 up 1 back" inverted V, with Is-Caerten and attached H11 LMG team in the center. 

2nd Crusader squad firing, with attached H11 LMG. Ouch baby, very ouch. 6s kill. Saves are by Condition Shifts. Cover gives a 1, prone another 1, etc. So the light cover of the grain means every 1 saves a kill and convets itvto a Suppression. Except the Yellow dice. Yellow are "Lethal Dice" and reduce Condition Shifts by 1 can only be saved by a yellow 1. In this case the Yellow 1 doesn't count because it's only CS 1. If they'd had CS 2, the Yellow 1 would negate the yellow 6, and the 5x Blue 2s would also count (which would mean 0 kills instead of the 5 kills they got)

The results. 6x dead, 4x broken, 1x still standing 

Monday Evening 

I finished the first Turn (a Turn is one cycle through the Activation Deck) the next evening after getting the dishes done. 

Chyweethl opens fire! and... dud round. Takes another Activation to reload.

Everybody is prone and blasting away. Royalists get a 2 Condition Shift for being prone plus light cover, Crusaders are mostly in an open field,  so only get a 1 Condition Shift. The Royalists win the Firefight and half the Crusader squad is Broken. 

Royalists occupy a cottage and garden. I gave squads occupying cottages and their gardens a 2 Condition Shift

Crusaders taking fire.

Firefight! So close even the Is-Caerten's Grifkis shotgun is adding 3x Lethal dice to the pool

Crusaders in big house firefight across the street 

Lots of Suppression markers being thrown down 

End of Turn, the Morale is checked for the two Broken squads. The Crusaders recover. The Coftyran squad slaughtered early on falls back 4" and recovers. 

So interesting shooting and suppression mechanics. I need to drive some tractors around to get a better feel for them. I also need to revisit crew served weapons.  I'm pretty sure I was not doing the HMG correctly. 


  1. Fantastic terrain and figures. Looks like that is more figures than the standard squad size did it feel with the limited actions but more troops?

    1. Yes, the squad sized "Clash of Rhyflers" game is meant to be a quick start introduction.
      In CoR you're moving individuals around.
      In TQW you're moving teams and squads with the Activations

  2. This looks awesome, I'm excited to see how the larger games turn out. I've always been more a skirmish person, but Quar has got me interested in bigger games.
